Truth Heals

I recently heard an interview with the author of a book called Truth Heals. She spoke a lot about how the secrets in our lives ultimately destroy us physically, mentally, and emotionally. Our body's health relies on our state of mind and by hiding things, we use too much energy keeping it from the surface that it pulls much needed energy away from other parts of our functioning bodies. While I am not much of a reader, that conversation intrigued me to the point of prompting me to order the book.
The reason I share this is because I want you to order it too, read along with me, and discuss how it pertains to my situation. There are certainly particular people who I definitely want to join in the reading and conversation. Those people are, in no particular order: ept1, free2beme, alaestadian, alexandra, cvow, mnfriend, onespirit, darla, exmplsllc, faith, oalc-doubter, keranen, daisyaday, sondra, truthseeker, rebounder, she curves mobius, and garden.girl.
Also, if you can and have the courage, I would love for you to send me an email and tell me a little about yourself. If you wish to remain anonymous, I most certainly will keep it that way. I definately want to hear from sondra, daisyaday, exmplsllc, and she curves mobius as you have expressed interest in corresponding.
I will let you know when I get my book and how much to read so we can discuss certain parts at certain times. I am so excited! Let me know if you have any other suggestions!
If you need my email, it is:
Love you all and I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you.